Published: 13 July 2023
Residents are benefitting from benches installed on Smallbridge precinct as part of Rochdale Age Friendly project which aims to increase inclusion, reduce social isolation, and provide activities for people who are over fifty years of age.
The project gives older people a say in how their local area can be improved, identify things they would like to see and anything preventing them from getting involved.
Overseen by a steering group which includes tenants, it was recognised that Smallbridge precinct had nowhere for people to stop and sit to enjoy being outdoors or chat with others. Following this, benches were donated and installed by Rochdale Boroughwide Housing’s partner organisation, Groundwork Landscapes Ltd.
In addition, tenants also requested outdoor plants to enjoy whilst sitting and taking a break and got directly involved with creating a beautiful planter which is located just behind the benches.
The work that has been done has made a big difference to the area. The residents are making the most of the benches, they sit and have a chat while the children play and the new steps that have been put in are a great improvement. RBH have done an excellent job in making the areas in Smallbridge look good.
The Age Friendly Project is a Greater Manchester initiative aimed at improving the lives of older people across Greater Manchester, so they can contribute to and benefit from sustained prosperity and enjoy a good quality of life.
The project is taking place at Kirkholt and Smallbridge as these two areas have been identified as having the most residents with a Rochdale Boroughwide Housing tenancy who are aged over fifty.
If you would like to get involved with the Age Friendly Project in Smallbridge and Kirkholt or would just like some more information you can telephone Becky Earl on 07818 521597.