We want to make sure that you are safe and comfortable in your home.

Watch our video to find out how we can help you to stay safe, and the steps you can take to reduce risks in your home.

What can help prevent damp and mould

There are a number of things that you can do to help prevent damp and mould in your home. Suggestions to help include:

  • Opening windows or trickle vents to remove moisture from the air (ideally in the morning and throughout the day when cooking or bathing)
  • Wipe windows and sills to remove excess condensation
  • Drying clothes either outside or in the bathroom with an extractor fan on or window open
  • Keeping a warm home (ideally around 18C)
  • Covering pans when cooking
  • Avoiding the use of paraffin or bottled gas heaters

Click here to find out how to report damp and mould, and what we'll do if you make a report to us.

We know that not everyone can do all the things listed above - for a wide variety of reasons. Every action will help – but please get in touch to discuss options as soon as possible. For example, our Money Advice Service might be able to support you to get help with your energy bills.