Below is a summary of our improvement and recovery plan. Our plan has five key themes. These are home; tenant involvement and empowerment; governance; rebuilding trust and confidence; and lessons learnt.

The RBH Recovery Plan

  • Home
    • We will provide safe and well-maintained homes that meet both the needs of our tenants and all regulatory standards.
    • Our damp and mould taskforce is already taking action and you can read more about our specific response to damp and mould on our website.
    • We're undertaking a stock condition survey for 100% of RBH homes to make sure we have a full picture of the condition of all our homes - and we'll take the appropriate action on the results of this survey.
    • We've commissioned an external review of our repairs service. This will report by the end of March 2023 and will help us make sure we provide an efficient, high quality, value for money repairs and maintenance service with a right-first-time approach.
    • We're reviewing our contact centre to make sure it has the capacity and the right platforms to provide a right-first-time service to tenants.
  • Tenant Involvement and Empowerment
    • We want to ensure that all our tenants are treated fairly and with respect, access our services easily, and have their voices heard.
    • We're shifting the culture within RBH to ensure that it is focused on delivering great outcomes for our tenants. All employees will undertake training to help us to do this – including on equality and diversity.
    • We're introducing new technology to enable us to better communicate with residents for whom English is not their first language.
    • We're creating a new streamlined complaints process to make it easier for residents to navigate.
    • We're looking at our governance structures to make sure that tenants have more opportunity to get involved, and we're setting up tenant voice groups across the Borough.
  • Governance
    • We will review our governance structures, processes, and practices to ensure that they are fit for purpose, meet regulatory requirements and are best practice.
    • We will improve the quality of our internal reporting including our performance measures to help ensure that key tenant and property facing issues are properly monitored, reported, and followed up.
    • Our whistleblowing policy will be regularly communicated to employees to encourage a culture of ‘calling out’ where concerns they have (for example about the condition of our homes) are not taken seriously.
  • Rebuilding Trust and Confidence
    • We will rebuild trust and confidence in RBH with residents, employees, key stakeholders, and elected Representatives
    • We will regularly update residents on what is happening at RBH, including progress against this recovery plan.
    • We will meet with local elected members and other key stakeholders and provide them with regular updates to enable them to ask questions and hold RBH to account.
    • We will make sure that forums are in place for RBH employees to raise concerns, and to be heard and influence RBH for the benefit of all employees and residents.
    • We will make sure that our senior team is more accessible and visible for residents, key stakeholders, and employees
  • Lessons Learned
    • We'll carry out an in-depth review of what went wrong and why.
    • We'll provide recommendations for improvement and implement those recommendations.