We expect all our customers to ensure bulky waste is disposed of in the correct manner and using the correct facilities.
What is fly tipping?
Not only does fly-tipping pose a risk to people and wildlife, damage the environment and spoil the enjoyment of our neighbourhoods, it costs a lot of money to clear up.
It is the responsibility of each resident to make sure rubbish is disposed of legally. Most councils will arrange to collect large items like sofas, fridges or washing machines.
- Rochdale Borough Council offers a free bulky waste collection for up to three items. Visit the Council website to find out more and to book a collection.
Fly-tipping is a criminal offence and carries a large fine. It is also a breach of your tenancy, and we may take action against any resident who is found guilty of fly tipping in our neighbourhoods. This could include being recharged for the costs of removal.
If you witness fly tipping you can contact us confidentially to report it and we will make arrangements to remove it.
Any fly tipping that is a fire safety issue will be removed within one working day, all other fly tipping will be removed within five working days.